On Jul 5, 2009, at 9:57 PM, raunchydog wrote:

> Thanks emptybill, but I'm not up for election. Edg is the go-to guy  
> for info about why he is flushing himself down swirling down the  
> psycho-latrine. Meow jumped in to the bowl with him and I'm just  
> doing what I can to fish them out. Anyway, that makes 8 votes for  
> them, with 2 to go. I think Meow should get a dispensation from a  
> required 13 votes due to her naivete as a newbie.
> Hey, Edg, if you manage to pull yourself out of the crapper, please,  
> don't pull a stunt like this again.

Sheesh, you guys should do a Tidy Bowl Ad!

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