--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Meera Watts" <meerawatts@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > First of all I would like to thank you for accepting me as a 
> > member of the group. 
> > A little about myself first. My name is Meera Watts and I am from
> > Singapore. I am a house wife having one 9 months old son. I am in
> > process of learning internet marketing, share trading and options
> > trading. I do a bit of options trading in US. So far no luck lost 
> > a bit of money. But as an optimistic I have not given up yet. I 
> > like cooking, astrology, meditation and alternate healing. I have 
> > attended few of OSHOs meditation camps. But these days I spend 
> > most of my time with my son and on internet learning new things 
> > and look for the opportunities.
> > I think Internet is amazing place where people from the whole 
> > global meet together and share their knowledge. That is all for 
> > now. 
> > Regards,
> > Meera
> Ya, sure, sure...good...good..
> Could, we see your badge, please?


Please excuse Robert's lame joke, which you will not
understand. It has to do with the fact that the so-
called spiritual organization that most people on 
this forum have in common really *does* require
badges to indicate whether a person "deserves" to
be able to meditate with them.

Welcome, but be warned. This organization, referred
to here often as the TMO or TM organization, has 
taught its students for 40 years that theirs is the
*best* form of meditation in the universe, and the
most effective at producing enlightenment. That same
organization has failed to produce even one person
in all those 40 years whom they can point at as
enlightened. Do you detect something wrong with
this picture?

Many others on this forum do as well. They may have
positive feelings for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the
"headstart" that he gave them on the spiritual path,
but have since taken other paths, and prefer them.
They are open-minded and rarely try to push their
opinions on others as Truth. 

The True Believer (TB) TMers (practitioners of 
Transcendental Mediation or TM) you will encounter
here WILL try to push their opinions on you as some
kind of Truth. Mention Osho to them and they will
most likely launch into an impassioned diatribe
about what a slimeball he was, and against you per-
sonally for bringing him up. Don't take it too
seriously; they do this with ANY other teacher than
Maharishi. They have been *trained* to do this, in
many cases for 30 to 40 years.

I happen to agree with you about the Internet being
a place where people can share their knowledge. I'm
just warning you that a LOT of folks you will encounter
on this forum don't really feel like sharing. Their
approach instead is to repeat the things they have
been taught are "knowledge" over and over and over,
declare them the "best knowledge" or the "highest
knowledge," and put down anyone who doesn't agree.

Don't take my word for it. Just watch the posts made
by the following list of members. These are people
who are all dedicated 30-to-40 year practitioners of
TM (with no experience of any other techniques), and 
who thus should be examples of what it produces. Pay 
attention to their *behavior* and their *intent* and 
the things they choose to focus on as much as you do 
their words, and see whether you think it represents 
"knowledge" you would be interested in acquiring.

authfriend (Judy Stein)
WillyTex (Richard Williams)
bill_hicks_ride (It's just a ride)
babajii_99 (Robert)
wgm4u (BillyG)
jr_esq (John)

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