From: []
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Thanks for accepting me!
Meera Watts wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all I would like to thank you for accepting me as a member of
> the group. 
> A little about myself first. My name is Meera Watts and I am from
> Singapore. I am a house wife having one 9 months old son. I am in
> process of learning internet marketing, share trading and options
> trading. I do a bit of options trading in US. So far no luck lost a bit
> of money. But as an optimistic I have not given up yet. I like cooking,
> astrology, meditation and alternate healing. I have attended few of
> OSHOs meditation camps. But these days I spend most of my time with my
> son and on internet learning new things and look for the opportunities.
> I think Internet is amazing place where people from the whole global
> meet together and share their knowledge. That is all for now. 
> Regards,
> Meera
Welcome (if you're still subscribed at this point) to what I call the 
Funny Farm Lounge. It's a pretty crazy place mainly frequented by aging 
Baby Boomers most of whom became TM teachers in the 1970s and most of 
who have since moved on. It's a wild and sometimes boring place. There 
is a 15 year old soap opera going on called the "Turq and Judy Show" 
which is well worth skipping. Turq often writes what appears to be a 
blog entry but as we read on it becomes just another episode in the 
show. Just click the "Next" button if you have one at that point. 
WillyTex is well known as a troll and mostly unread here unless some of 
us want to box his ears a bit.

Some of us like to discuss political issues (after all the TMO had a 
political party called the "Natural Law Party" at one time. Others like 
to shy away from that and some are just typical new agers with their 
heads in the sand (and some would up their ass). If you read the FFL 
guidelines you sell pretty much anything goes. On forums this would be 
the "General Topic" or "Off Topic" section.
And occasionally, we all get into a serious, intelligent discussion about
some spiritual topic, although many of the people most inclined to do that
no longer participate.

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