--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I've made this point many times, and made it again
> yesterday, to someone who *still* has not had the
> self-honesty to go back through her posts of the
> last month

As noted before several times, she doesn't have the
*time* to check through the 270 pages of the Yahoo
message list.

But Barry does, it seems:

 to see whether it's really *true* that
> she never expresses any pleasure except when it is
> at the expense of someone she hates. It **IS** 
> true; I checked. If she had the balls to do what
> I suggested, she would be unable to find any posts
> to cite that suggest that she has any other pleas-
> ures in life.

Well, as it turns out, he's lying one way or the 
other. Either he *hasn't* checked, or he's checked
and knows his claim is *not* true.

I had a rush of brains to the head and went to the
non-Yahoo archive of FFL at the Mail Archive site:


I was able to call up *only* my posts for the past
four and a half weeks--currently impossible with Yahoo

And I found six that meet Barry's criteria:


> Today we start off the Euro "posting day" with more
> whines about victimology from the woman who seems
> incapable of focusing on anything else.  
> So what do all these women have in common?
> They *complain* when someone "changes the subject"
> and focuses on something they find more interesting,
> or when they just ignore their posts. They whine 
> and they name-call when this happens. They get *upset*. 
> Often they lose it completely, and melt down. All 
> because they can't get people to focus on the things 
> they have chosen to focus on.
> Sane people don't do this. 
> Sane people have *varied* interests. They express
> pleasure at things in their lives other than the
> latest imagined "gotcha" that allows them to think
> they've "won." They focus on something more than
> being a perpetual victim.
> Sane people on this forum have things that they 
> LOVE. Raunchy and Judy -- based on their posts -- 
> don't seem to have anything like that. They have 
> only things that they hate, or are offended by, 
> or crusade *against*, or feel that they have to 
> "protect" others from. They'd like people to 
> believe that this makes them admirable, and that 
> they "deserve" to be admired and listened to 
> because they can focus on nothing else BUT the 
> things they hate.
> I don't admire them for this. I feel sorry for them.
> The people I admire on this forum have things that
> they LOVE. Rick, when he talks about his family or
> Amma. Marek, when he talks about surfing or finds
> some really neat video or image to share with us
> to lighten our day. Curtis (bless his absent heart),
> whose whole *life* is about doing and appreciating
> the things that he loves. Many of us, when we talk
> about movies or books or music we love. Any number 
> of others, focusing on what they love.
> Compare to the two cited above, who seem to have
> little that they DO love. Think I'm exaggerating? 
> Just watch. PAY ATTENTION to what these women 
> focus on. That is what they have become. 
> Then, once you have done this, step back and think
> about the fact that they want YOU to focus on these
> things, too. They want it so badly that they get
> upset when you don't. They *attack* you when you
> don't and call you names.
> What you focus on you become. They want you to focus
> on the things that they focus on non-stop so that
> you will become like them. Don't take my word for
> it...just WATCH them and pay attention to whether
> they ever express love or joy at life's simple
> pleasures, or even exemplify simple humanity in 
> their dealings with other people. 
> If you think they do, then by all means focus on 
> the things they are desperately trying to get you 
> to focus on, and you'll become just like them.
> On the other hand, if you find that some others on
> this forum strike you as a bit more balanced and
> happy and fulfilled, maybe you'll want to focus
> more on the things *they* focus on, so that you
> can become a bit more like them.
> Just sayin'...

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