Oops, this got away from me and got sent before
I'd finished.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I've made this point many times, and made it again
> > yesterday, to someone who *still* has not had the
> > self-honesty to go back through her posts of the
> > last month
> As noted before several times, she doesn't have the
> *time* to check through the 270 pages of the Yahoo
> message list.
> But Barry does, it seems:
> > to see whether it's really *true* that
> > she never expresses any pleasure except when it is
> > at the expense of someone she hates. It **IS** 
> > true; I checked. If she had the balls to do what
> > I suggested, she would be unable to find any posts
> > to cite that suggest that she has any other pleas-
> > ures in life.
> Well, as it turns out, he's lying one way or the 
> other. Either he *hasn't* checked, or he's checked
> and knows his claim is *not* true.
> I had a rush of brains to the head and went to the
> non-Yahoo archive of FFL at the Mail Archive site:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com/
> I was able to call up *only* my posts for the past
> four and a half weeks, a manageable number to look
> through--currently impossible with Yahoo search.
> Took me about five minutes.
> And I found six that meet Barry's criteria:
> 222994 (Michael Jackson video)


222399 ("Dead Snow" trailer)
221977 (photos of Iran election protests)
223645 (Dali/Disney short)
222626 (review of a feminist parody, by a feminist)
222667 (Lanza article on consciousness)

To recap: Barry's initial claim was that there were
*no* such posts. Then he changed it to "a few"; then
he demanded proof that I'd made *five*; and now he's
back to none.

"None," he swears, "**IS** true" (Barry's emphasis),
and he insists he's checked to make sure it's true.

Except that it obviously is not true.

Plus which, I made many more posts that didn't have
anything to do with "expressing pleasure at the
expense of someone she hates" ("hates" is Barry's term;
"has no respect for" is not equivalent to "hates").

Anyway, in addition to Barry's blatant lie (whether
about having checked, or about what he found), we also
have the mind-boggling hypocrisy of Barry's diatribe
at Raunchy and me for engaging in criticism of others,
when *by far* the majority of Barry's posts also focus
on criticism of others.

These aren't the only hypocrisies and dishonesties in
his post by any means, but readers will no doubt pick
up on the other instances.

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