--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > I had a rush of brains to the head and went to the
> > non-Yahoo archive of FFL at the Mail Archive site:
> >
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com/
> >
> > I was able to call up *only* my posts for the past
> > four and a half weeks--currently impossible with Yahoo
> > search.
> >
> > And I found six that meet Barry's criteria
> I just wanted to make her go through the
> exercise, to see what she would do after
> she did.

Uh-huh. That's Barry's excuse for blatantly lying?

Fact is, he was sure I *wouldn't* "go through the
exercise"; he knew I wasn't going to search through
270 Yahoo pages. That I would use the Mail Archive
and get it done in five minutes never occurred to him.

He *thought* he had it all set up so that he could
safely denounce me for not having the "self-honesty"
to check, all the while lying about having checked
himself and not found *any* such posts.

As my grandmother used to say, Be sure your sins
will find you out.

And I'd add, especially when those sins are a
function of desperation that leads you to take
silly risks and not think things through.

 And she did just what I expected:
> she declared "victory" after proving that
> that she finds something to express her
> pleasure about that *isn't* the humiliation
> or misfortune of others .026% of the time.

Which Barry swore up and down was 000.00%--he

> She has just spent several hours

Nope, about five minutes, as noted.

 to support
> my contention that almost all of her posts
> to this forum (almost 99% of them, to
> be exact) consist of her taking pleasure in
> the humiliation or misfortune of others.

Nope, that's a lie too. As I pointed out, *many*
of my posts don't have anything to do with "the
humiliation or misfortune of others." They're just
straightforward discussion, something Barry
*almost never* engages in.

Barry lied, again, and got caught, again. And now
he's standing on his head trying to wiggle out of
the lies, again, by telling more lies--again.

This has been his M.O. ever since I've known him.

The *vast* majority of Barry's posts are vicious
and usually dishonest attacks on others (primarily
TMers), with a smattering of treacly self-exaltation
about his allegedly blissful experiences in Sitges
or watching some movie or listening to Bruce

There's some lovely swampland in Florida waiting
for anybody who believes Barry takes pleasure in
anything here but boasting about how spiritually
advanced he is or demonizing others for *not* being
as spiritually advanced as he is.

That's the only reason he's here.

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