Barry hates being laughed at. Now he's REALLY, REALLY mad. I'm not offended by 
his sexism, I think it's funny that the harder I poke him (fuck him over) with 
a stick labeled "sexist", the madder he gets and the more he obliges by showing 
us how sexist he is. Barry likes to push buttons, he says so. I don't like to 
push buttons, but Barry's sexist button is so pushable, I just can't help 

Like Judy said, "See, the interesting thing is, I've never considered Barry my 
"enemy." That's *his* term. He thinks of me as *his* enemy...any strong woman 
whose views don't agree with his and who is willing to confront him...scare the 
*daylights* out of him. It isn't that we're scary; it's that Barry is terrified 
of women who stand up to him." 

Amen, sister.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> That was a great impression of an offended fem-
> inist, Raunchy. Really.
> And I really liked your invention of the phrase
> "poking the badger" as a synonym for mastur-
> bating using a vibrator...that's very colorful, and
> helps us to envisage what's really happening on
> your end when you write these messages.
> Could you do me a favor and do a similar impres-
> sion of an offended toaster or an offended amoeba
> next, to put my thesis to the test and see whether
> you really are as laughable doing that as you are
> pretending to be a "feminist?"
> It's all in the interest of science.
> BTW, here's a graphic I thought you'd like,
> you being a fan of Woo Woo and ritam and all
> that TM-believing-in-having-your-wishes-
> fulfilled stuff. It clearly shows the "down
> side" *for the goddess* of being prayed to by
> never know what might happen:
>   []
> --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Sexist men are like badgers. Poke them with a stick labeled
> > > > "sexist" and watch what happens.
> > >
> > > "I don't particularly think much of FFL poster Y, because
> > > she is consistently stupid, devoid of original thought, mono-
> > > topical to the extreme, not particularly attractive in a
> > > physical sense, abusive, elitist, ill-informed, and generally
> > > an affront to the entire concept of 'humanness' as I under-
> > > stand it, much less the concept of "spiritual."
> > >
> > > Only one letter different. But did you somehow think that I
> > > might have been describing Raunchydog and Judy Stein? And if
> > > I had been, did you think "misognyny" (hatred of women)?
> > >
> > > If so, they have you wrapped.
> > >
> > > There was only one letter different. They would have you
> > > believe that that letter makes all the difference, and that
> > > someone saying what one thinks of a person *as a person* is
> > > somehow all about them being a woman.
> > >
> > > The two women in question would be equally despicable and
> > > unlikeable if they were men, or toasters, or amoebas. Don't
> > > lose sight of that...
> > >
> >
> > Well, how about that? Poking the badger with a stick really works. It
> got Barry's attention, now he's REALLY pissed. The more Judy and
> Raunchydog call him out on sexism, the more he escalates his sexist
> vitriol.
> >
> > Today Barry launched a lying ad hominem fest against Judy and
> Raunchydog. Bring it on Barry, you should have learned by now you're
> only setting yourself up for another smack down:
> >
> > despicable:
> > [Of course not, no one despises me except Barry]
> >
> > unlikeable:
> > [A lot of people like me, even LOVE me, everyone except Barry]
> >
> > stupid:
> > [Not stupid, definitely not stupid]
> >
> > devoid of original thought:
> > [Ha! I write poetry almost as good as Bruce Cockburn's "Bone in my
> Ear" Geez!]
> >
> > mono-topical to the extreme:
> > [inadvertent irony, Barry has ranted against the TMO almost everyday
> for 15 plus years]
> >
> > not particularly attractive [physically]:
> > [a criticism usually reserved for women, not men, which blows Barry's
> x/y comparison to bits]
> >
> > abusive:
> > [take a shower after reading Barry, he says he's an asshole. I agree.]
> >
> > elitist:
> > [See below]
> >
> > ill-informed:
> > [Barry knows about movies but not much about politics]
> >
> > generally an affront to the entire concept of 'humanness' as I under-
> > stand it, much less the concept of "spiritual.":
> > [Geez, now isn't that an over the top ad hominem attack? An excellent
> example of Barry's elitism]
> >
> > Here's the bottom line about why Barry has gone off the rails ad
> hominem attack mode:
> >
> > Judy wrote:
> >
> > "See, the interesting thing is, I've never considered Barry my
> "enemy." That's *his* term. He thinks of me as *his* enemy...
> > ...any strong woman whose views don't agree with his and who is
> willing to confront him...scare the *daylights* out of him. It isn't
> that we're scary; it's that Barry is terrified of women who stand up to
> him."
> >
> >
> >
> > Barry has yet to deny this statement. Unless we hear from him
> otherwise, let's assume Judy's assessment about his strong women hang up
> is true. He would love us to shut up about ain't
> happening...poking the Badger is fun AND necessary.
> >

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