--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> But the fascinating one lately is Raunchydog, a sup-
> posed liberal who has been manipulated into believing 
> and repeating *exactly the same propaganda* by appeal-
> ing not to her sense of fear but to her attachment to 
> being a victim and to her hatred of Obama -- a hatred 
> she developed for no reason than that he proved that 
> the woman Raunchy had a crush on wasn't qualified to 
> be president. Being manipulated by those who prey on
> your fear is almost normal these days in America, but
> being manipulated by those who prey on your insane
> desire for *revenge*? That would be scary if the 
> person being manipulated were ignorant trailer trash.
> But when the person being manipulated is a 30-year
> TMer *acting* like ignorant trailer trash? *Really*
> scary.

Notice that Barry has no proof of manipulation, quotes me or offers specifics 
about the nature of "exactly the same propaganda" I allegedly repeat, BECAUSE 
IT DOES NOT EXIST. His only purpose is to disparage me because he is still 
smarting from the drubbing he got for being a victim of his vicious button 
pushing guru, Lenz. Barry compulsively emulates Lenz asshole behavior everyday 
and he's proud of it. Geez, talk about a line etched on stone.

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