raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> raunchydog wrote:
>>> Apparently Obama gives a shit about suppressing free speech by encouraging 
>>> citizens to rat on each other and doesn't give a shit for the reasons you 
>>> suggested:
>>> "to learn what disinfo is being circulated so they can prepare the 
>>> appropriate counter arguments." 
>> You still don't get it.  It's about the disinformation not about 
>> collecting email addresses.  It's not about suppressing free speech.  If 
>> anyone is trying to suppress free speech it is the teabaggers 
>> themselves.  Wake up and smell the coffee.  Who's stirring this up?  Not 
>> the WH but the criminal run health insurance companies who are trying 
>> hoodwink you so they can continue ripping off the public.
> What you don't get is that both the Democrats and Republicans are sleeping in 
> the same bed with the insurance industry. This just smoke and mirrors to 
> quash the public option.
Oh yes I get that and have said so many times.  Never said that congress 
wasn't corrupt.  That's why we need to push for single payer.  After all 
I was opposed to ANY bailout last September.  There were both 
progressives and conservatives opposed to it.  It was a sellout to the 
banksters and their wealthy offshore backers.  Love to see those age old 
families lose their money.  They SO deserve it.

Worse then that is our congress critters are obsolete.  There are 
probably few if any of them who understand technology and yet they are 
passing very stupid technology laws at the behest of lobbyists.

This whole thing is just amusing to me.  It IS like a national IQ test 
and many are failing.  Aren't we fortunate to be alive in such an 
exciting time?

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