Maddow complains that "Nazism is not a metaphor".

Well, if she is unhappy with activists using "Nazi" or "Hitler" metaphors, she 
should first complain about the #1 website that has been using these very terms 
for the eight years that Bush was president ON A DAILY BASIS.

I'm talking, of course, about the, the left-wing 
Obama-supporting site.

The following is an advanced google search on the words "nazi" or "hitler" 
appearing just on the  Note that there are OVER 45,500 hits:


--- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> [NOTE: Very intense video report.]
> Maddow and Franklin Schaeffer on threat posed by right-wing extremism 
> - Rachel shows examples of extreme hate from prominent right wingers and 
> corporate shills from right wing corporate fronts -
> - Then Franklin Schaeffer, the author of 'Crazy For God' and a man who knows 
> whereof he speaks when it comes to the great white underbelly of the American 
> Right, really laid it out last night on Rachel Maddow's show:
> Schaeffer: The far right knows they have lost, they've lost the hearts and 
> minds of most American people, for instance, who want health care. But they 
> also know that they have a large group of people who are not well-informed, 
> who listen to only their own sources, who buy the lies -- for instance, all 
> this nonsense about euthanasia being mandatory, and all the rest of it. And 
> these people can be energized to go out and do really dreadful things.
> And we've seen it in front of abortion clinics, I'm afraid we're going to see 
> it with some of our political leaders. And the Glenn Becks of this world 
> literally are responsible for unleashing what I regard as an anti-democratic, 
> anti-American movement in this country... 
> Watch the whole segment:

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