--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> Maddow complains that "Nazism is not a metaphor".
> Well, if she is unhappy with activists using "Nazi" or "Hitler" metaphors, 
> she should first complain about the #1 website that has been using these very 
> terms for the eight years that Bush was president ON A DAILY BASIS.
> I'm talking, of course, about the huffingtonpost.com, the left-wing 
> Obama-supporting site.
> The following is an advanced google search on the words "nazi" or "hitler" 
> appearing just on the huffingtonpost.com.  Note that there are OVER 45,500 
> hits:
> http://tinyurl.com/mu6elw

I looked through the first three pages of hits.
Not one was to an article that used the terms about
the Bush administration (although there were a
couple of commenters who did).

They were either about Hitler and the Nazis
themselves, without reference to Bush, or they
were critiques of conservatives' use of the
phrases to describe those they disagreed with.

If you want us to believe that HuffPo's actual
writers were using the terms to refer to the
Bush administration, you're going to have to
plow through the hits until you find some that

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