--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> I think it's more a younger people kind of thing though
> businesses have picked up on it as a way of advertising
> and Twitter has picked up on businesses doing that and
> are considering charging businesses for the service and
> I would bet most businesses will then stop twittering.

It's also a huge deal when some Big Event is taking
place, like the upset in Iran after the elections.
There was a lot of information being twittered about
demonstrations and so on. At one point during the
disturbances, Twitter had planned to go down for
maintenance for some hours, and the State Department
asked that it be postponed, because everybody there
was using Twitter to follow what was happening.

When there's some news event or controversy, it
usually gets assigned a "hashtag," a kind of
code word that anybody tweeting about that particular
thing is supposed to include in their tweet. That
makes the tweets about it easier to follow.

> I guess I'm anti-social because I'm not into these
> social networking things outside of groups and forums

I'm not either.

> but those are more chat than networking.  Someone
> tricked me into LinkedIn and its nuts to get these 
> emails saying "so and so is now connected with so
> and so" and "so and so recommends so and so."

What's really weird is that I keep getting these
emails telling me people I've never heard of are
following me--and I don't do any tweeting!

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