TurquoiseB wrote:
> We're back to my earlier advice -- GO PUBLIC...
The simple fact is, that TMers are secretive, just
like you are, Turq. 

Look at the majority of posters on this forum, 
using handles instead of names. I can't even get
the TMer teachers to tell me what happened to all 
the money. And one of the FFL moderators' brother 
is a TMO 'Raja' living in Vedic City!

There are lots of secrets around here. You can 
hardly get anyone to be truthful anymore. John 
posted countless diatribes against the members of 
a Mormon forum for years, without even telling 
them once that he was a member of a Hindu cult. 

The list goes on and on. We've got a 'tantric' 
here who won't even tell us what the secret word 
of power is! 

At least Rick uses his real name. I mean, what's 
with these people? They once made a pledge to 
Guru Dev to 'spiritually' regenerate the entire 
world! Now reduced to a 'chat' room talking about 
Sarah Palin's parenting skills.

And Barry wants them to go 'GO PUBLIC'?

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