> Obama just sent in the Marines. 3 years after Bush was asked for 22,000
> more troops by generals in Afghanistan, Obama is the one to fulfil that
> request, while the Republicans refused it. Obama was given a sinking
> ship on all fronts (war and economy) and he is doing the right thing on
> most things. Stop the ship sinking, then change things slowly and
> carefully. Of course no-one can save the mess that Bush made (by
> diverting troops and treasure to the illegal war in Iraq), but Obama has
> to try and this new surge will work. But it will not solve the problem
> completely. Obama knows that. He is smart. Not like the last bunch of
> crooks. So he will make headway, and then slowly pull back from these
> wars. He will do it slowly and meticulously, He is the best Commander in
> Chief for decades.

Obama's done nothing good or bad in terms of military.  Most guys in the 
military don't like him, but i've argued with others that he's done nothing 
wrong.  He listened to Gen Mchrystal.  He lowered the # that Mcrystal asked 
for, but in these economic times it's understandable.  Obama at least 
acknowledges that there is a problem.  He understands that the real problem is 
in Waziristan (region in Pakistan that is out of control).  The problem is that 
Obama is pushing a lot of air strikes in that country right now, just like 
Clinton did during his time.  That's where all the civilian casualties come 
from.  If you don't have troops on the ground to control the aircraft, you have 
no way of controlling collateral damage.  I can't say I agree Obama is the 
'best' commander in chief yet, it's too early to tell.  A couple of decisions 
in conjunction with his advisors doesn't necessarily qualify him as that.  But 
when I think of his competition, you're probably right......Bush, Clinton, 
Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy.....not much competition there.  As 
long as he doesn't make any extreme rash decisions, he'll come out on top 


> That was not a conspiracy theory I cited. That was to rectify 200 years
> of revisionist history and brain-washing in America. Those were facts.

I didn't mean that you were stating a 'theory' in regards to what you were 
talking about.  I was rather stating my awareness of other theories similar to 
the facts you pointed out.  I'm aware that we won our revolutionary war because 
England wasn't really trying to win, they had bigger fish to fry at the time.  
I can't confirm this, but supposedly England didn't even want to continue the 
war, but America kept pushing.  

> The Marine Crops ultimately work for the Queen of England according to
> some theories ;-)

Really?  the only way possible is if the Navy was working for her too.  There 
are times, no doubt, that we've been OPCON (Operationally committed) to English 
command at times, so it wouldn't surprise me.  
> > With the exception of a few minor conflicts and reaction to terrorism,
> I believe WWI and WWII were probably the only true honorable wars we
> fought in. However, there are even conspiracy theories out there that
> WWII could've been avoided as well. I don't have time to get into them
> though.>
> Yes, and the historical fact (not theory) that GW Bush's grandfather
> helped fund the rise of Hitler would make a GREAT movie. The whole thing
> could be fascinating - but would need to be at least 3 hours long and a
> lot of historical research including how some bigwigs in America plotted
> to overthrow the US government to stop a move towards humanity - I mean
> caring about others - I mean socialism.

You're right, it goes really deep into the Rockefellers and other bigwigs back 
in the 30's.  I personally don't have time to do as much research as i'd like 

Regarding socialism, most I know in the military hate the idea of it.  But I've 
argued we have no right to argue, military IS socialism.  Everyone gets a job, 
uniform, paycheck and medical care ISSUED TO THEM by the GOVERNMENT.  That's 
socialism in its purest form.  

The only reason I don't think socialism would work in America is because it 
only works if everyone is contributing to the system.  The military works out 
because everyone works, and pays taxes.  They are all contributors.  I saw a 
show about the happiest countries in the world, and Denmark comes in 1st place, 
a socialist country.  They all pay very high taxes, but their Govt. takes care 
of them.  But if you look at the people, they're different from Americans.  
They all are happy to do whatever it is that they do.  They don't expect the 
world to fall at their feet if they're a doctor, and they don't feel inferior 
if they're a garbage man either.  In America we're rather bi-polar.  Everyone 
is either trying to be on top of the world, or they're too lazy to get off the 
couch.  I know that's a little out of proportion, but somewhat true.  As long 
as most people are either greedy or lazy, socialism, IMO, won't work here.  
Europeans are more balanced, and therefore it works.    
> Just tell your superiors to learn TM and teach the troops the sidhis.
> Don't take no for an answer.

Believe it or not, Marsoc (Marine Spec Ops Command) has already started 
teaching meditation at their schoolhouse.  If I go to the schoolhouse as an 
instructor, I was already planning on suggesting transitioning from whatever 
Pseudo-meditation they're practicing to MMY's TM or Ravi Shankars meditation, 
which I hear is the same as TM.  Before I ever make the suggestion, i'll have 
to do some research and talk to someone higher within the TMO.  


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