--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > One of his personal secretaries once told me that MMY ate and  
> > worked on stuff during those silences, but that he did so alone. I  
> > was in the room several times when he came out of silence, and at  
> > the time, his darshan seemed much more profound to me. It took him  
> > a couple of days to resume speaking at a normal volume.
> >
> Yeah, I'm sure many of us heard many different stories.
> My favorite, and one that helped sustain my own illusion of Maharishi- 
> as-yogi was the story that he went into a darkened, temperature- 
> controlled room and was ritually wrapped in some cloth, and that he  
> entered a "continuum of silence" for days and days. Of course this  
> was back when I really fell for the "silence" polarity thing. Imagine  
> my disappointment when I found out it wasn't true! (well maybe he did  
> this at one time, but not from what I've heard!). It's interesting  
> the myths that are woven to preserve the fantasy.

Vaj, I was REALLY involved in the TMO all through the 1970's and even into the 
80's and early 90's, altho not teaching full time by then, and I never ever 
heard anything like what you believed and describe above.  I seriously doubt 
that came from the TMO, or anyone reliable.  Maybe it was wishful thinking or 
fantasy on the part of some True Believers and then became a rumor that spread. 
 Whatever else you may think about MMY and the TMO this example says nothing 
about Maharishi and the TMO, but only about what some people believed.  This 
kind of rumor and vulnerabiity to it exists in just about any tradition of 
spiritual growth, including Buddhism and its branches - and in their followers. 
 We humans seem to have a need to "believe in " something, and the possibilties 
are endless.  

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