On Dec 23, 2009, at 5:29 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

> ...and yet you're the one who has spent, literally, thousands of hours on a 
> forum devoted to the discussion of TM.

This forum is not solely dedicated to the discussion of TM, but to the extent 
that it is, it was helpful in the past to hear some things I hadn't heard, to 
hear from people processing their good or bad experiences, to have many of the 
scandals and abuses revealed, etc. I guess it'd kinda be like being in the 
Catholic church and being on a list where all the dirty secrets were revealed 
and some of the good things as well.

As I've said many times before, I'm more interested in people who were once 
involved with TM, but not necessarily the TMO, who've moved on and grown, and 
how. Since TM was a part of my early life (I learned TM as a young teenager who 
saved his lawn cutting money c. 1974). Fortunately where I lived I also had not 
only representatives of the Holy Shankaracharya Order, but people who knew Guru 
Dev and the intimate realities of mantra-yoga/mantra-shastra. Without those 
touchstones, there could have been the real danger of becoming involved 
seriously in the TMO. But fortunately these other avenues prevented that in a 
positive and constructive way.

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