On Dec 23, 2009, at 3:49 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Dec 23, 2009, at 2:37 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:
> > 
> > > Consciously and with full free choice you decided to join a cult, 
> > > one that was largely of your own making.
> > 
> > Oh? I created the TMO? Strike one.
> Actually, yes, you did. It was a creation in your own mind...as well as those 
> that insisted upon making the organisation surrounding TM a cult.
> You and people like Nabby.

LOL. That's funny.

> > 
> > > You could have stuck with just doing TM twice a day for 15 minutes 
> > > without getting involved in the TMO. And guess what? You wouldn't 
> > > have had much to complain about.
> > 
> > And you are omniscient, so you know what my experience was and what 
> > it would be? You suck as a mind reader Shemp. Strike Two.
> > 
> Actually, I do. If you did only TM twice a day and did it properly, I as a TM 
> teacher had instructions for you that would have dealt with pretty much every 
> experience.
> Instead, you chose to go the route of cult member and joined the TMO to do 
> God knows what.
> Off the program. You were doing something but it wasn't the TM Program. You 
> were doing Cult TM or Guru TM, but not TM.
> Your free choice. Live with it.

Actually my TM practice was fine. It's just that it got better after I got more 
skillful instructions.

And no the canned checking procedure did not work for everybody. Too 
mechanical. It's one of the big flaws in TM instruction IMO.

> > > But the above story-telling you engage in reveals much: firstly, it 
> > > was just that: a story.
> > 
> > The assumption at the time was: if someone on Purusha told you this, 
> > they had the inside scoop. I did not assume then, like I would now, 
> > that they were probably lying.
> > 
> Wrong assumption. But thank you for acknowledging that it was an assumption 
> on your part. 
> Congratulations, Vaj, you are on the first step towards being deprogrammed.

The point is, the core people lacked integrity. It was only a matter of time 
till (many of us) figured out it was rotten to the core. Even the founder 
lacked integretity. After that, if you had integretity, IMO, you left. No need 
to look back or imagine the specialness of TM, the TMSP or the special 
checking" BS.

> > > Secondly, it had nothing to do with TM.
> > 
> > Of course it did. If Maharishi could be wrapped like a mummy and go 
> > into a continuum a silence, i, his humble student would one day 
> > receive the SPECIAL technique and be able to do the same. It was only 
> > a matter of time. Strike three.
> > 
> Listen to you: Maharishi "wrapped like a mummy". You believed that crap?

The people on purusha didn't use the word mummy, I did. I was some sort of 
special way he was wrapped.

> And kept believing it for HOW long?

Not for long. It was right before I said "screw this org".

> I'll bet you even perpetuated the lie by telling OTHERS the same story, 
> didn't you Vaj?

No. I only asked people if they had heard of it. I wondered why I hadn't heard 
it before, like anyone would. I knew well real yogis could go into such states 
for as long as they chose, and I'd witnessed such things. I guess it boils down 
to your own level of experience really. But by the time I'd heard about the 
level of credibility for both TM and it's org had already run quite thin.

> And you wanted some sort of shortcut, some sort of special technique that 
> would get you to heaven like a "get out of jail free" card.

No, that's not what I wanted.

> You, my friend, created a cult in your mind and then you joined it.

LOL. Actually, I saw it for what it was and left. Never looked back or ever 
thought of returning!

> Do you not take ANY responsibility for your own actions? Or is it all the 
> fault of Daddy?

Screw you asshole.

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