--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> Wonderful, wonderful movie.
> I thought it appropriate that the movie came out in the same month as a study 
> that showed the ocean's ability to absorb CO2 has not diminished:
> http://theresilientearth.com/?q=content/ocean-absorption-co2-not-shrinking
> "Avatar" is the story of Gaia, the idea that the Earth is a living organism 
> and, as such, can adjust itself and its equalibrium as the make-up of various 
> elements in its atmosphere change.  More CO2? Why, the ecosystem adjusts 
> itself accordingly. Adaptation. Just like the skin on your arm adjusts when 
> it is cut: it heals itself.
> The Na'Vi represent Gaia.
> The military represents the catastrophic man-made global warming movement, 
> particularly in the person of Col. Miles Quaritch, who is pro-fear and 
> anti-science.  Quaritch personifies Al Gore, the most evil man in America 
> today.
> Jake Sully represents reason as well as man acknowledging the power and 
> balancing ability of nature. The best parallel to today's situation would be 
> that Sully represents someone like Senator Inhofe.
> So when Al Gore (the military) tries to upset the natural order of things, it 
> took a brave soul like Sully (Sen. Inhofe) to fight the fear and 
> irrationality of Al Gore and the global warming movement.
> Good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Actually in this case Shemp, liberalism has usurped the role of GOD in 
determining outcomes (not just in environmental issues). In a free market 
economy MERIT is the overriding factor with a safety net for the disadvantaged 
(which both parties have)! As ye sow, so shall you reap! is based on MERIT.

The idea that if you don't accept standardized health care for everyone you're 
calloused or selfish is a red herring argument, the Republicans just feel there 
is a 
BETTER way to reform health care, that's all, and one that doesn't compromise 
on quality, which what the Democrats are offering, certainly will....

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