--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > snip[
> > 
> > Isn't it convenient how this psychobabble excuses
> > your behavior?
> You made up the shame spin on me not arguing with people
> who thought you were out of line for giving me shit when
> I came here.  The tribe spoke and you got voted off. 
> Deal with it.

We could go back and look at that, Curtis, if you like.

What actually happened was that I was trying to *avoid*
a hassle with you, told you to lay off, and you went
right ahead anyway. Folks jumped on me for continuing
to try to provoke you when in fact it was just the
opposite. You knew that, and you let me take what you
knew was a bad rap.

I just went back and reviewed what happened--it was
in early May 2006--to make sure I was describing it
accurately. You might want to do the same.

No, come to think of it, I'm sure you won't want to.

> > And "victimhood" is yet another weasel term (also
> > one Barry uses, quelle surprise).
> Naming things with labels doesn't make them less useful
> as descriptive terms for describing behavior.

Inappropriate labels are very useful for those who
use them to promote their agenda, yes indeed.

If you use the labels "grudge" and "victimhood" to
describe someone's response to your bad behavior,
that shifts the blame onto them. Very neat.

  You are
> playing up your victim hood, it is a constant theme.

No, Curtis, it's about *ethics*, not victimhood.

> > Of course, we don't ever see Barry (or you) 
> > complaining about being victimized.
> > 
> > <horselaugh>
> Because that is not my filter.  I don't allow myself to
> be victimized.

Oh, please, Curtis. Your whole "mommy/daddy" riff
was a whine about how you were being victimized by
my quoting you in a post to Barry. That you put a
humorous spin on it doesn't change what you were

I could dig up plenty of other instances of your
complaining about how you're being treated. And you
just got done complaining about Nabby calling you
an idiot, remember?

Barry whines constantly about how I'm "stalking"
him and how others beat up on him, attributing this
to his being a TM critic (as opposed to the real
reason, which is that he's a crappy person all
round). He just left a long post to that effect this
morning, for pete's sake.

> > You're quite right, Curtis, you aren't at your best
> > when you're under fire.
> I don't enjoy your shame vibe.

So it's perfectly OK for you to send a shame vibe my
way by suggesting I was making you feel bad by
quoting you in a post to Barry, and by pinning the
"grudge" and "victimhood" labels on me, but it's not
OK for me to point out what you're doing, right?

> But as far as a putdown, that was lame.

Just referring to what you yourself said earlier:

"I'm just glad you are both cool enough to communicate
with me without the scud missiles going off, since I
don't do my best work under that kind of fire."

  With or
> without horselaughs you are portraying yourself as a
> victim and I'm not buying it. It has become part of
> your identity now and challenging it meets with
> survival level push-back.

There's a difference, Curtis, between feeling that
one is a victim and portraying someone else as a
(would-be) victimizer. "Victimhood" is most definitely
*not* part of my identity; I have way too much self-
esteem for that. You're damn right I'm going to push
back at the accusation and point out that it's
designed to relieve you of any responsibility for your

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