> I've been running with the simple ethics of 
> whether it's right to claim they have a basis 
> in physics - without carrying out any double 
> blind tests...
Most scientific testing doesn't involve double-
blind testing, and I'd say that physics doesn't
have an ethical component. Besides this, it has
already been demonstrated that you and Curtis 
have a prejudice against some spiritual groups.

> There are some serious karma issues here for 
> sure...
What makes you so sure? Has it been proved with
any kind of double-blind testing that there is
a law of moral reciprocity? I don't think so.

If 'karma' was a law of physics, then good people 
that do good things would be rewarded; and bad 
people that do bad things would be punished. 

But we both know that physics doesn't work like
this, Hugo. The question you're trying to answer
is 'What makes acts right'? That's a subjective
evaluation based on personal ethics, not science.

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