TurquoiseB wrote:
> I guess my point is that there seems to be a huge New
> Age culture building around the perceived RIGHT to "Do
> unto others whatever is necessary to do unto me what
> I want done." Besides the fact that such practices 
> would *strengthen* and make more rigid the "self" that
> so desperately *wants* things that it's willing to pay
> big bucks and manipulate others to get them, I see an 
> ethical question here. Does anyone else?

No because we are always doing things naturally which effect others.  It 
may be because you chose to buy brand Y today at the store instead of 
brand X.  Doing that you may have contributed to loss of jobs for the 
brand X people.  Or maybe you deciding to take a different route in your 
car caused an accident on the route you didn't take.  Who knows?  It's 
all that string theory and butterfly effect stuff.  It can work on the 
super natural level too.  But an airplane dropping a coke bottle out of 
the air may look to natives in a backward region as a message from God.  
Just as well doing things out of the ordinary or using laws of physics 
the majority doesn't understand could have effects that would confound 
the majority until some day "science" figures it out.  People used to 
thing that the world was flat too. ;-)

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