--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > No problem curtis, but is wasn't posted with you in mind 
> > > but for that serious soul who might read it and not 
> > > necessarily respond.
> > > 
> > > At least not with the endless drivel we have become so 
> > > all too familiar with coming from your keyboard.
> > 
> > If I was looking for some "serious soul" it wouldn't be 
> > from anyone impressed with what we have heard from Maitreya 
> > so far.
> So you have actually heard from Maitreya curtis ?  
> How impressive ! May I ask where and when ?
> Or only more drivel and gross inaccuracies ?

Nabby, I suspect that Curtis means what Creme 
has reported Maitreya as "saying." I think you
both know that neither Curtis nor I (and in fact
99.9999% percent of the human population) do not
believe that such a being as Maitreya exists, or
will ever exist. We believe that it would be far
more like to "hear from" Santa Claus than 

That said, it has become apparent that not only
do you believe that Creme is correct and Maitreya
both exists and is about to come out of the avatar
closet in a big way, you will pretty much continue
to believe it no matter HOW embarrassing it gets.

My questions to you -- out of curiosity, not malice
-- is "What will you do if Benjamin Creme kicks the
bucket and Maitreya hasn't shown up yet? How long
will you *keep* believing in a Maitreya who never

I consider these sensible questions. My "take" on
Creme's appearance in his most recent "announce-
ments" is that he's very ill and possibly "circling
the drain," incarnation-wise. I suspect he'll be 
dead within a year. No malice on my part in saying
this; that's just how his state of health appeared
to me in the video, combined with his real age.

IF that happens, and there has been No Maitreya,
what do YOU do?

Do you keep waiting for the promised Messiah until
YOU die, or what?

Could there EVER be a point at which you might 
admit that you had been lied to, and systematically,
for 30 years by Benjamin Creme?

And as a final question, can you admit that there
is even the POSSIBILITY that Maitreya does not
exist and never did? Is such a thing conceivable
to you?

Thanks for considering these things, if you do.
I really *don't* dislike you, although I laugh
at you often. Mainly, I'm curious as to how some-
one could believe this stuff for so long without
a shred of proof that any of it ever was true.
If you'd like to expound upon WHY you believe
this, as a religious sociologist (even though
a low-vibe one from your POV) I'd be really 


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