On Feb 21, 2010, at 4:54 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
>> On Feb 21, 2010, at 3:08 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:
>>> "Chopra's TM has 108 mantras, TM only 11 or 12"
>>> Ergo, Chopra's TM must be better.
>>> This is how we bought electric guitars when we were 12 years old: the more 
>>> knobs and buttons the guitar had, the better we assumed it was.
>> Well 108 is potentially better than a mere 12. The real issue is that TM 
>> teachers were taught to lie, telling unsuspecting students that mantras were 
>> based on the individuals nervous system, developed though close 
>> collaboration with Guru Dev, blah blah blah, bunches of lies. 108 choices 
>> would certainly be better, if they were doled out for some individualized 
>> reason. A good mantra yoga initiator also knows that sometimes you have to 
>> change the students mantra.
>> This is all lost on foolhardy TM teachers, who probably do more damage then 
>> good, but pose as experts in their imaginary "Vedic" meditation tradition.
>> It might be funny if it wasn't just so damn naive.
>> I think of all the TM derivatives: Sahaj, Chopra's, Independent TM, etc. TM™ 
>> remains the poorest choice, esp. given the weirdness of the Org itself. I'm 
>> more likely to recommend a friend be audited for Thetans than I am to 
>> recommend TM™.
> And of course any real teacher can enliven any mantra they want plus 
> create new ones.  Yoga lite only has parrots because that is all they 
> could be trusted with.

The mantras that are recited
are no mantras at all.
Without the immutable potency that is in the mantras,
as their very life and soul (jiva),
they are futile like a cloud that will not rain.


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