On Feb 21, 2010, at 5:32 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

> ...and yet here you are, year after year, on a site about TM, posting on a 
> daily basis. 
> To me, that says more about the efficacy of TM than anything. If it wasn't so 
> good -- particularly in this age when practically no one is starting TM 
> anymore (and its been in decline now for 30 years) -- why do you devote so 
> much of your time obsessing about TM?
> If TM was full of shit, you would have forgotten about it YEARS ago and moved 
> on.
> Your obsession is, as I see it, a direct result of the incredible success of 
> TM to purify your nervous system and enable unstressing. It's been rough for 
> you and you're still recovering from the last session of TM that you 
> did...what, 25 years ago?
> Pretty fucking powerful technique, I'd say.

Keep in mind Shemp, some might have been destined (or however you chose to 
understand such fortune) to receive a mantra they'd used before.

What then?

A randomly tossed seed can fall on fertile ground, no?

I'm not complaining personally about TM. I figured I was always fortunate, as I 
always had teacher-approved, textbook experiences. TM-Sidhi too. But then again 
I'd already been having experiences since I was a kid. Who knows, maybe I was 
just some fucked up kid who fell on TM?

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