> > According to Nancy Cooke de Herrera, Jerry Jarvis 
> > did not get 'dumped' by the Maharishi or by the TMO. 
> >
> According to Nancy Cooke de Herrera, the tigers
> that she and her son (The Beatles' "Bungalo Bill")
> shot after they left their TTC course in Rishikesh
> to hunt them from elephantback *wanted* to be killed 
> by her so they could gain a higher rebirth.
According to what Nancy wrote in her book, the *tiger*
was shot when it attacked one of the guides. It was shot 
by her son in self-defense. If true, that makes Nancy's
son a hero. You need to read the book BEFORE you make
your comments.

In fact, Nancy went on the safari before the course was
over. And another fact is that John Lennon was all
screwed up in his head when he wrote "Bungalo Bill". It 
was John that got kicked off the TTC course! We've been
over this before.

'Beyond Gurus'
By Nancy Cooke de Herrera 
Blue Dolphin, 1992

Read more:

Subject: Beyond Gurus
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: October 1, 2001

"He said after some prodding: "The Beatles - along with 
their entourage, which included Mia Farrow - were doing 
drugs, taking LSD, at Maharishi's ashram, and he lost 
his temper with them. He asked them to leave, and they 
did in a huff. But when they went to the US, John Lennon 
gave an interview on the Johnny Carson show, accusing 
Maharishi of being a dirty old man..."

Read more:

Subject: Maharishi threw the Beatles out
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: March 17, 2006

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