> > Anyone who believes things like that should be 
> > silenced, put away, or punished.
> >
> I thought we were beyond this inflammatory bullshit 
So, you post messages questioning everyone's personal, 
religious beliefs, mock their spiritual path, and their
holy texts, and judge them on their birth circumstances,
but I'm posting 'inflammatory bullshit'?
> Do you believe that the Koran is the holy word of God?
> Do you make offerings to Greek Gods every day or do 
> you view them as myths?  Which ideas believed to be 
> the holy word of God have YOU rejected in favor of 
> others.  
So, you have a bias against Muslims and Greeks.
> If you have decided that some scriptures are not the 
> holy word of God, and therefore, the ideas in that 
> book should be treated like any other human ideas, 
> then you share my exact feelings about the Hindu 
> scriptures. 
So, you are prejudiced against Hindus.

> People can and do believe what they like.  But if you 
> don't believe every religion's scriptures and practice 
> every direct command from their word of God, then you 
> have made the same choices I have.
Are all devil worshippers as nosey as you are, Curtis?

I'm not asking you to give up your religious ideas or
questioning your spiritual beliefs or practices. 
So, you're in not favor of personal privacy and you 
would like to change the U.S. Constitution so that 
candidates must defend their personal, religious beliefs, 
in order to be elected to public office. 

But, who exactly, would be doing the questioning? 

Maybe we could set up am inquisition to ferret out all 
the Mormons and Catholics. What do you think about that

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