> > If you have a group insurance policy through 
> > work, you'll pay the same rate as everyone 
> > else in your demographic group (age and gender) 
> > whether you are sick as a dog or as healthy as 
> > Superman...
> >
> When I went off the COBRA and called the insurance 
> company to set up a new policy the agent mentioned 
> something about being overweight...
Are you thinking that on a government insurance plan,
they won't be telling you what you can eat or not? Or,
how much weight you'll have to lose in order to 
qualify for a health insurance plan? 

The government is  already telling you what you can 
use to heal yourself, and it doesn't include vitamins
you buy at grocery stores. Some states want to put
a tax on sweet drinks! 

We need less government regulation, not more! If you 
fail to pay, the IRS will come after you - you've got 
no choice now - it's pay up or pay a fine. Getting
the federal government to run your health care system 
is a really bad idea, according to Ron Paul.

With the federal government running the program, you
can say goodbye to your individual freedom to eat
whatever and how much you want, right? 

Or, think about it - you're going to have to pay for 
other people's health insurance, even if they insist 
on killing themselves with unhealthy living?

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