> > Are you thinking that on a government 
> > insurance plan, they won't be telling 
> > you what you can eat or not? 
> >   
> No one tells me what to do. Not even 
> the government...  
Yeah, I'd like to see the letter you send 
to the IRS telling them you're not going 
to pay anymore U.S. income tax. Please 
send me a copy of the letter from your 
jail cell. 

Good luck.


> > We need less government regulation, 
> > not more! 
> >   
> What if the majority revolts.
You don't even attend tea party protests, 
Barry, get real! You probably don't even 
own a gun for self-protection, so how are 
you going to revolt - by not paying for
health care insurance?

The fact is, over half of Americans are 
opposed to the health care reform bill. 

If they see their insurance premiums 
increase, or if there are big changes in 
their group plan, they will probably vote 
Republican or independent in the next 

It is going to be a difficult election 
year for some Democrats. Over thirty Dems 
voted 'no' on the Health Care Insurance 
Reform Bill, so they will probably be 

But, the others maybe not - they are 
going to have to hard 'sell' the bill to 
the voters when they get back home. 

Good luck with that!

Seniors don't like their Medicare cut 
back, and most people don't like 
increased taxes. Many young people don't 
want to have to pay for the health care 
of older people, so they are going to 
resent additional payroll deductions.

My plan makes sense, you're does not.

Your plan is to conspire to revolt 
against the U.S. Government, with a 
show of arms, to what, change the U.S.

My plan is to increase jobs for everyone, 
paying good money, so that people can 
pay for their own health care and their
insurance; reduce government spending, 
so we can reduce the deficit and taxes; 
and bring down the high cost of health 
care by doctors and hospitals and drug

Ron Paul thinks it is not a good idea 
to have the federal government running 
the U.S. health care system. Ron Paul
wants to reduce the size of government
and stick to the U.S. Constitution.

Paul thinks it is illegal for the 
government to take your money without
your consent, and give it to others.

Paul thinks it's not fair for you to 
have to pay for the same level of care 
with your hard-earned money, while 
others, who pay no taxes, get the same 
level of care as you do.

Do you think that's fair?

I agree with Paul, apparently you do 
too, (except for the violence part 
against the IRS), which in your case
was obviously a joke. LOL!

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