WillyTex wrote:
>>> Are you thinking that on a government 
>>> insurance plan, they won't be telling 
>>> you what you can eat or not? 
> Bharirtu:
>> No one tells me what to do. Not even 
>> the government...  
> Yeah, I'd like to see the letter you send 
> to the IRS telling them you're not going 
> to pay anymore U.S. income tax. Please 
> send me a copy of the letter from your 
> jail cell.

They've paid me the last few years. :-D

> Good luck.
> <snip>
>>> We need less government regulation, 
>>> not more! 
>> What if the majority revolts.
> You don't even attend tea party protests, 
> Barry, get real! You probably don't even 
> own a gun for self-protection, so how are 
> you going to revolt - by not paying for
> health care insurance?

So you're a tea partier?  Figures you seem to have the Willies all the time.

> The fact is, over half of Americans are 
> opposed to the health care reform bill. 
> If they see their insurance premiums 
> increase, or if there are big changes in 
> their group plan, they will probably vote 
> Republican or independent in the next 
> election.

The health reform bill is a Republican bill.  Independent is fine.  
Bernie Sanders is a good example.
> It is going to be a difficult election 
> year for some Democrats. Over thirty Dems 
> voted 'no' on the Health Care Insurance 
> Reform Bill, so they will probably be 
> re-elected. 

The Republicans don't love you either, Comrade Willy.  You're just one 
of their "useful idiots."
> But, the others maybe not - they are 
> going to have to hard 'sell' the bill to 
> the voters when they get back home. 
> Good luck with that!
> Seniors don't like their Medicare cut 
> back, and most people don't like 
> increased taxes. Many young people don't 
> want to have to pay for the health care 
> of older people, so they are going to 
> resent additional payroll deductions.
> My plan makes sense, you're does not.
> Your plan is to conspire to revolt 
> against the U.S. Government, with a 
> show of arms, to what, change the U.S.
> Constitution? 
> My plan is to increase jobs for everyone, 
> paying good money, so that people can 
> pay for their own health care and their
> insurance; reduce government spending, 
> so we can reduce the deficit and taxes; 
> and bring down the high cost of health 
> care by doctors and hospitals and drug
> companies. 

Jobs doing what, o' brilliant one?  You still haven't answered that 
question yet.
> Ron Paul thinks it is not a good idea 
> to have the federal government running 
> the U.S. health care system. Ron Paul
> wants to reduce the size of government
> and stick to the U.S. Constitution.
> Paul thinks it is illegal for the 
> government to take your money without
> your consent, and give it to others.
> Paul thinks it's not fair for you to 
> have to pay for the same level of care 
> with your hard-earned money, while 
> others, who pay no taxes, get the same 
> level of care as you do.

You mean the folks who sit around a swimming pool cutting coupons? Yes, 
unearned income should be taxed a little.  I believe there is something 
about that in this bill.

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