The "audience comment" by a guy who turns out to actually be a theoretical physicist (!), who's working a on a book with Stephen Hawking is another show-stopper worth seeing.

Hint to Deepak: have someone scan the audience BEFOREHAND for actual physicists! Duh!

On Mar 30, 2010, at 11:40 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Sorry for the link omission!

I don't find Sam as prickly as Dawkins which is one of the reason I like him more. But the underlying condescension of some of Chopra's claims for special knowledge might rub me the wrong way in person too. Although Dawkins is obviously tweeked by Chopra and shows his irritation I think the distinction he makes about where the metaphor ends is brilliant and the exact right thing to challenge Chopra on. It is not the spiritual assertions that get to me but the invocation of science terms to make the assertions sound more reasonable and scientific that gets to me.

In this debate it is Chopra who gets pissed and Sam who has to ask him to ratchet it down a bit so they could continue the discussion.

Of course you may come to very different conclusions...

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