On Apr 7, 2010, at 9:33 AM, tartbrain wrote:

> Continuing on this woo woo ray tangent (I am generally quite rational and 
> skeptical), in these universal love states i can sense the personality of 
> trees and plants. Quite distinct entities. And my love for them seems felt -- 
> and they seem responsive. (to be more specific, its like a lake of universal 
> love, undirected, that is then directed at them. There is a focus on them. An 
> adorational devotion kind of focus. But its not at all like the charismatic 
> beaming discussed in my comments tot the Turquoise post.) Like they would 
> protect me in their "enchanted forest". (I know, lock me up, we can't have 
> people walking the streets thinking they can talk to trees).

tart, there's a woman here in FF who supposedly
talks to stones--let me know if you're ever in the
area and I'll see what I can do about setting the 
two of you up.  Bet it would be quite a conversation. :)


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