authfriend wrote:
> --- In, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
>> Haven't seen El Negro in a long time.  Currently I'm attempting
>> to upgrade my Voodoo hex's; to the level of a real Death Ray at
>> a distance.  My strategy is to combine devotion to the Santeria 
>> (Voodoo in some parts) - and depending on the usage: "Black" or 
>> (other).  I'm mainly into the "Black Magic" - in Star Wars 
>> jargon, the Dark Side; but don't be deceived!. Wishing people
>> dead can be Dharmic, since on my hit list would be people like:
>> future suicide bombers, drug pushers, rapists, terrorists etc.
>> By combining devotion to the Santeria Orishas with La Santa
>> Muerte, there's a good chance the Death Ray will be ready in a
>> year or less.  First on my list: Osama Bin Laden. Any other 
>> candidates?
> I can think of quite a few people who should be rendered
> harmless for the sake of the world's well-being, but isn't
> there a way to do that without killing them?

Stambhan or Uchattan.  Stambhan will paralyze them or stall them in 
their activities.  Uchattan will distract them.  Either one might make 
them fail in their goals.  But keep in mind that people who know these 
techniques are advised against using them to effect world situations as 
you might actually wind up making the situation worse.

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