Yup, keep that great unwashed under control with mind control (i.e. 
religion).  Of course Buddha lived in far more brutal times.  Anyone see 
the PBS show on Buddha.  I have it on this machine but haven't watched 
it yet (don't you just hate "sweeps.").

emptybill wrote:
>     1. First      Major Precept
> On Killing
> A disciple of the Buddha shall not himself kill, encourage others to
> kill, kill by expedient means, praise killing, rejoice at witnessing
> killing, or kill through incantation or deviant mantras. He must not
> create the causes, conditions, methods, or karma of killing, and shall
> not intentionally kill any living creature.
> Brahma Jala Sutra
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
>> If you have taken bodhisattva vows seriously in your
>   "heart"  then you are responsible for everyone - starting
> with all the beings here on this planet (incarnate and in the
> antariksha) and in the dwipa-s of the local system.
>> The Orisha may help or hinder but all of this is solely
> your task even if no one else is helping.
>> Read it and weep.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" yifuxero@ wrote:
>>>   At any rate, my take on the situation: if I'm responsible for
>> helping one or two people when necessary, then everybody should be
>> included within my capacity.
>>> One might easily argue that extending karmic influences beyond my
>> immediate environment resulting in significant and often unpredictable
>> changes, are indeed risky and "fate" might turn out worse then
>> non-interference.

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