WillyTex wrote:
>>>> From what I've read, there are millions of people 
>>>> in India that believe in your tantra religion!
> Bhairitu:
>> Tantra is not a religion.
> So, you have not read the book 'History of the Tantric 
> Religion' - I thought so. You are supposed to read the 
> book BEFORE you post your comments.

Keep up, Willy, though it must be difficult living under a bridge.   I 
said when this book came up that HAVE the book and READ it years ago.  I 
definitely had a qualm with the title.  It should have been  "The 
History of the Arts and Sciences of Tantra".  Buddhism and Hinduism 
aren't religions either.  People external to these institutions label it 
so.  Now of course for tax and regulations purposes in the US someone 
MIGHT declare their organization a religion.

BTW, do you even HAVE this book?  Or are you as usual a hypocrite?

>>> Using 'killing mantras' is illegal in India...
>> Show me where it is illegal in India?
> So, you have never read the Indian Constitution - I 
> thought so. 
> "The assasination of Indira Gandhi in 1984 and of her 
> son Rajiv in 1991 is said to have been foreseen by 
> astrologers all over India, and almost all agreed that 
> Mrs. Gandhi should have taken better care of herself 
> that November.
> Some would-be assassins might have been prompted by 
> these predictions, and subsequent to Mrs. Gandhi's 
> death, a law was passed in India making it a crime to 
> predict any more assassinations. 
> The act states that action will be taken against 
> anyone who 'predicts, prophesies, or pronounces or 
> otherwise expresses in such a manner as to incite, 
> advise, suggest, or prompt the killing or the 
> destruction of any person bound by oath under the 
> Indian Constitution'..."
> Read more:
> Subject: Jaganatha Hora
> Author: Willytex
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> Date: October 15, 2005
> http://tinyurl.com/ye4q36y

Astrology predictions are not maran tantra, Willy,   Indian astrologers 
warn of assassinations all the time.  So if there actually is any law no 
one pays any attention to it.  You really are in need of some smarts.

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