> And completely accurate, as non-students of 
> the history of the Inquisition would not know. 
As a student of the history of European religious
orders, I expected more from you, Turq, not more
historical revisionism. It would be really helpful
to see some of the FFL informants do some actual 
research before they post their misinformation.

>From what I've read, the process of 'inquisition' 
was legal in Europe at the time. 

According to modern scholarship, it has been 
established that "the Inquisition was not nearly 
as cruel or as powerful as commonly believed".

> The Inquisition lasted in the Catholic Church 
> for *600 years*... 
Historians distinguish four different periods 
of the Inquisition:

   1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–1230s)
   2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
   3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
   4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

> and was only gotten rid of in the 1950s...
>From what I've read, the Spanish Inquisition 
was abolished in 1834 by Queen Isabella.

Work cited:

Spanish Inquisition:

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