--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> You SOUND like you're trying to do damage control.   :-D

No damage to BE controlled.

> All I did was pass along the info the MSNBC reported plus
> comment on what would happen if it blows.

No reason for you not to do that. But all I did was 
quote an MSNBC update and two reputable blogs to the
effect that the earlier report was false, and point
out that nobody else was reporting it.

And you suggested the report was being denied because
they didn't want the public to be alarmed--as if you
could keep a volcano eruption from the public!

>  Ever been to a volcano?  Ever look at 
> the mapping of how the lava flows to the surface.

Bhairitu, I'm not disputing that one or the other of
the two nearby volcanos could well blow. They've done
it before when this one erupted; and it's well known
that volcanos that are near each other can be
connected in various ways. It wouldn't surprise me
a bit if one of the others erupted. It's just that
it didn't happen *this morning*.

   I would suspect at 
> the some point there is a split that goes one way the volcano that is 
> currently blowing and the bigger volcano.  It  may take more energy for 
> the bigger one to blow.  There is a map of that kind of flow at the 
> local volcano which shows how they thing the flow worked it way to the 
> surface at the main peak and the one next door.  Fortunately it blew 
> about 4000 years ago.  Mt. Tamalpais just north of San Francisco is also 
> an extinct volcano.
> We'll see what happens.
> authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >   
> >> The bigger volcano is only 8 miles from the one that is
> >> erupting.  So it would not be unusual at all for it to
> >> start up.  Living around volcanos one learns a bit about
> >> them.
> >
> > Yes, that's been in the news for days now; you don't
> > have to live around volcanos to have picked it up.
> > Hekla has erupted before when the other one did.
> >
> > The point is that the report this morning was in error.
> >   
> >> They could be doing damage control too as not to
> >> alarm the public
> >
> > I quoted two *bloggers*, Bhairitu, in addition to
> > MSNBC. One lives in Iceland within sight of the Hekla
> > volcano and is keeping tabs on the tremors; in Iceland,
> > you *want* to alarm the public if there's a volcano
> > erupting so those nearby can get out of the way. The
> > other blogger has a scientific reputation to uphold 
> > and isn't worried about alarming anybody.

> >  but if it does explode with a boom then damage 
> >> control may no longer be possible.
> >
> > Nobody's doing damage control, Bhairitu. Hekla isn't
> > erupting, sorry. Maybe later. Maybe soon. If it does,
> > we'll hear about it right away. It's not exactly the
> > sort of thing you can keep under wraps even if you
> > wanted to.
> >
> > I gave a link to a Webcam of the volcano. You can see
> > for yourself that it's quiet. Oh, wait, maybe they're
> > feeding it footage from last year so nobody will know
> > there's an eruption going on!
> >
> > Sheesh.
> >
> >
> >   
> >> authfriend wrote:
> >>     
> >>> >From the main volcano story on the MSNBC Web site:
> >>>
> >>> "A plume of smoke from a second Icelandic volcano briefly
> >>> caused concern Monday but its impact was quickly minimized."
> >>>
> >>> Not sure who/what "minimized" its impact. But there's
> >>> nothing on MSNBC cable, CNN, or Yahoo News, so this looks
> >>> like it may have been a flash in the pan, for now at least.
> >>>
> >>> (Hekla *is* the one they're worried about, BTW.)
> >>>
> >>> OK, the Eruptions blog on ScienceBlogs says it was a false
> >>> alarm (see the comments for updates and very interesting
> >>> discussion of various points):
> >>> http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/2010/04/changes_in_the_eruption_at_eyj.php
> >>>
> >>> http://tinyurl.com/y3yjj8c
> >>>
> >>> A post on an Icelandic blog, saying it's bogus:
> >>>
> >>> "I have been seeing a lot of false reports in english
> >>> about Hekla volcano having started erupting. This reports
> >>> are false. Currently there is no eruption in Hekla
> >>> volcano. At the moment Hekla volcano is quiet and shows
> >>> no signs of eruption, or that it is going to start
> >>> erupting soon.
> >>>
> >>> "When Hekla volcano starts erupting there is a period of
> >>> earthquake swarms that come from Hekla volcano. Currently
> >>> there are no earthquakes in Hekla volcano."
> >>>
> >>> http://www.jonfr.com/?p=3874
> >>>
> >>> Here's a Hekla volcanocam:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.ruv.is/hekla
> >>>
> >>> BONUS: More than you ever wanted to know about how to
> >>> pronounce the name of the erupting volcano, with four
> >>> different audio clips:
> >>>
> >>> http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=2257
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Close-up view of the eruption in daylight, showing
> >>> the ash cloud, from a helicopter tour:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1395588323904&ref=mf
> >>>
> >>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >>>   
> >>>> Gaia is really pissed now as "Breaking News" on MSNBC
> >>>> has the second volcano, the one with the pronounceable
> >>>> name Hekla, has begun erupting.  If this is the one they
> >>>> are were worried on then all bets are off.

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