--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > You are trying to make a case that you can make a low
> > level vetting decision and I am not buying it.
> Yes, I know. You're using your "epistemic humility" to
> relieve you of the necessity to do any due diligence,
> because that way you can continue to hint darkly that
> it's all a big scam.

Ahem. If this were true, wouldn't YOU be using 
your "epistemic hubris" to claim that something 
*you know nothing about* is *not* a scam?

That, after all, is your default position in all
of this -- blindly defending a TM paragon who in
your opinion has been "unjustly accused." I'm 
mentioning this because you seem to be -- again 
-- unable to discern your own *posting trends*. 

It's as if in your mind you only leap into these
frays to "defend someone" when they need defending
out of some noble sense of "outraged fairness."
But that's not how it really happens. The *trend* 
that you fail to discern, especially when someone 
calls you on being a TB, is *what* you choose to 
defend. Nine times out of ten it's TM, the TMO, 
Maharishi, or some piece of TM dogma or lore. 

Seems to me that your *reason* for leaping in to
defend David OJ can be argued to have nothing to 
do with some outraged reaction to "unfairness" on 
Curtis' part. That's just your "cover story." It 
seems to me, *based on your posting trends*, that 
the more likely rationale for getting into shit 
like this as often as you do, and trying to "kill 
the messenger" as often as you do, is that what 
pushes your buttons is, in fact, the "hint" that 
it's all a scam.

IMO you can't allow that suggestion to pass because 
if it were true YOU are the victim of a scam, and 
have been for decades. 

Defending some researcher out of a sense of 
"fairness" from Curtis' "unfair" suggestions 
doesn't, after all, explain why you're still up
at 1:20 in the morning trying to perpetuate an
argument about this. Compulsively defending the 
actions and/or "good name" of a major figure in
the same cult you belong to from suggestions that 
his "science" is more scam than science does. 

I'm thinkin' that the thing that really has you
still up arguing at 1:20 in the morning is --
besides an insane desire to "beat" Curtis, at
*anything* -- is that you intuit that if you 
allow Curtis' "scam hints" to stand, YOU could 
be perceived as Just Another Stupid Victim of
that scam. And for emotional and ego reasons 
you can't allow that to happen.

Just my opinion. Now you get to present yours.

Try to do so this time without declaring whose
opinion "won." That's "epistemic hubris," too.
The other posters here get to make up their own
minds...you declaring what they've decided has
nothing whatsoever to do with what they decide.  :-)

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