What kind of Sidhhis did Raman Maharishi demonstrate or was it just the
imagination of devotees? I always laughed at anyone who said they had
Ammachi in their dreams and made them do x, y or z. I would say it is just
imagination, I have had Amma in my dreams and so...what then?

I wouldn't be surprised if someone appears on this list that they had Ravi
Guru in their dreams instructing them to abuse torky, sally and tartie for
example..LOL..the power of imagination is such, oh what games we play to
escape the truth staring at us constantly...

Love - Ravi..

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:26 PM, yifuxero <yifux...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> No evidence of Siddhis. imo, would-be Gurus should demonstrate an
> extraordinary level of Shakti power, appearing in people's dreams maybe.
> Even Dr. Lenz could do that..
> I have yet to find a Guru who can do well in the stock market. Where's the
> Spiritual/material interface? At least Ravi seems to have a real job.
> The credits he cites amount to a beginning. Is he (you...if reading this)
> not on a learning curve like the rest of us? I recommend that you become a
> disciple of Ramana Maharshi, then teach from that perspective.

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