On May 18, 2010, at 9:09 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

> Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit....

More "fresh air," right lurk? :)
What did we ever do without him...

> It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can" 
> idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after torky, 
> sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain...you are the sixth...

Ah, yes, the breezes wafting from his
words are like the pure west wind...

> Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.....:-)
> His eyes are hypnotic....LOL..
> You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey - 
> the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to 
> do now is devour it.
> So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you, 
> devour you and give you moksha...

Now he's beginning to sound almost unhinged...

> P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come and 
> lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL.... 

Thank goodness this guy's in Fresno.


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