Dear Edg,

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!

I am awake, just got up, I am singing a song trying to wake up my wife and
kids, dancing, blissed out ready to take down these wussies........LOL

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Duveyoung <> wrote:

> Ravi must be enlightened; look at Turq going nutzoid with unstressing about
> it. He's got Turq's number, and doesn't mind hanging him upside down in the
> public square and smacking Turq the Jerk around like it was Benito
> Mussolini's last moments.
> And yeah, Turq came out of the chute with horns sharpened -- that's a tell
> that he's still looking for outer embodiments to rail upon because his other
> spiritual rapists are dead now. Poor Turq -- how can anyone stand the pain
> of being handcuffed to such a personality? I guess masturbating while
> fantasizing about lacing some young thing's drink with Ambien is as good as
> life gets for him now.
> Edg

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