Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit....

It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can"
idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after torky,
sally, tartie, shukri, are the sixth...

Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.....:-)

His eyes are hypnotic....LOL..

You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey -
the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to
do now is devour it.

So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you,
devour you and give you moksha...

P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream you can come
and lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL....

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:15 PM, yifuxero <> wrote:

> How about the Siddhi of controlled out of body travel. Can you do that?
> by "dreams", this term represents an entry point into a broader topic, such
> as Yoga Nidra (complete awareness during the sleep states), and then going
> onto lucid dreams, precognitive dreams; and most important: the Radiant Form
> of the Master.
> Since Ammachi is your Guru, I take it you have seen Her Radiant Form. By
> that I mean not a mere dream, but a totally mind-blowing Radiant, effulgent,
> Celestial form that is Beautiful beyond discription.
> You keep on, no, I don't have these types of awarenesses that
> are common among the Tibetan Rinpoches (such as complete conscious awareness
> during the sleep states); and the capacity to "Rise Above Bodily
> Consciousness", meeting up with various Spiritual Masters both living and
> physically dead. (the Siddhi common to genuine Sant Mat Saints).
> So, you have realized the Self. Everything is Being....OK; not a new
> message but an important one if one goes beyond the ordinary Neo-Advaitic
> message and states why such a realization is "important" (i.e. gives one
> some types of benefits).
> The next question would be why one would declare such as Self-attainment,
> if the achievement is only to end on the surface of your skin. (and thus,
> the need for hugging).
> I'm trying to grasp the situation here with BatGap but don't quite
> understand it. Bear with me a bit....(to summarize), let's start from page
> 1:
> 1. Going back to Sakyamuni Buddha and others such as St. Paul, various
> claims are made: people can eliminate suffering and become "happy" if only
> they perform actions (a, b, c,...).
> OK, fine; but I don't see much evidence for such claims, especially coming
> from the MUM statistics, and the like.
> 2. Then, over the centuries, various people claim to have duplicated the
> efforts of the Buddha; only to recycle the old messages and claims.
> 3. Apart from some extremely rare cases such as Nityananda and various
> Christian Saints; given the set of "Awakened" people, the evidence seems to
> suggest that true Enlightenment goes beyond mere "Awakening" and indeed, the
> latter is "ordinary" in no extraordinary sense! (in that case, one might as
> well interview Vegas card cheaters for amusement).
> 4. Among the truly Awakened, some demonstrate genuine Siddhis, either in a
> deliberate fashion (Nityananda); or that occur spontaneously in the Presence
> of persons like Ramana Maharshi. Yet you make lite of such happenings
> apparently to proclaim your elevated status and lower theirs.
> At any rate, I applaud you for not asking for donations and not having much
> in the way of a concealed agenda. Maybe you can hit people for some $$ later
> on.

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