--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <steve.sun...@...> 
> I had a conversation with Ravi this evening.  I wish him the 
> best in his endeavours. His awakening is such that it seems 
> he is embarking on a new career, that of Raviguru. This is 
> nothing other than what he has been saying of course, but I 
> wanted to hear it straight from him. I remained skeptical 
> that he was really leaving behind family and work life. But 
> this seems to be the case. 
> Pretty much, the answer to any question distlled down to, 
> this is the divine working through Ravi. So, what else is 
> there to say.
> Ex: "Ravi, it sounds like you are going to live the life of 
> wandering mendicant"
> Answer:  "Yes, the divine will work through Ravi, and let 
> him know what plan the divine has"  Or something to this effect.
> Bottom Line: I believe Ravi believes that his awakening will 
> bestow upon him the credibiliy to assume the role of a guru to 
> many seekers. And I think that because he has great saturation 
> with American culture, with all it's nuances that he is uniquely 
> fashioned for this role.
> This is my report.

As counterpart, based on my recent skims of the BATGAP
forum, t'would seem that many there felt something "off"
about Ravi, from Day One. The only person who in my
reading of the posts seemed impressed by him, and *still*
seems to believe that there is not only nothing wrong 
with him but that he really *is* experiencing a profound
awakening was -- wait for it -- Jim Flanegin. Those who
have read every post over there can correct me if they
feel my "skim reading" is inaccurate; it very well 
could be. Some expressed downright concern for Ravi,
while Jim pooh-poohed their concerns.

And these are people who are *conditioned* to see "enlight-
enment" where others see merely confusion and solipsism.

While I thank you for your report, based on my experience
of seeing people have a minor "awakening" and set them-
selves up as "gurus" without the wherewithall to be one,
I'm predicting Ravi's eventual suicide.

That seems to be what *happens* to such people. When their
fantasies of who they "really" are and how they should be
"really" treated by people around them don't work out, 
they take the "I'll show them" route and leave them -- and
the world that "just doesn't understand how special they
are" -- behind. 

I'm not *hoping* for such an outcome, but I for one would
not be surprised by it. And if it happens, I think I can
safely predict Jim coming up with a hearty "It's all good"
about *that*, too.

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