--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > http://invincibleamerica.org/tallies.html
> > 
> > "Currently, almost 2,000 Assembly participants practice the 
> > TM and advanced TM-Sidhi program together every day in Fairfield, 
> > Iowa, creating a powerful influence of coherence throughout the 
> > nation. As this number rises to 2,500—enough, according to 
> > research, to produce a phase transition to a permanently peaceful, 
> > prosperous, and harmonious society—we expect to see a measurable 
> > shift in national trends that will quickly resolve any remaining 
> > imbalances in the country and permanently establish the nation on 
> > a high level of invincibility."
> OK, I know that I have garnered somewhat of a reputation
> for being cynical here on FFL, but I for one *welcome* 
> this latest pronouncement by the TM movement and this 
> latest push to "achieve the magic number."
> They have, in essence, stated categorically *and in 
> print* that the only thing needed to "resolve any remaining 
> imbalances in the country and permanently establish the 
> nation on a high level of invincibility" is to achieve 
> the "magic number" of 2,500 butt-bouncers in Fairfield. 
> I think that is bold of them. It is a claim that is both
> achievable (if they bribe enough of the few remaining TM
> practitioners to join in the gluteous maximus glee of 
> 'butt-bouncing for invincibility,' or hire enough brown-
> skinned slave boys to 'achieve the numbers') and testable.
> Surely those who thought up this pronouncement believe 
> that the results of this Grand Experiment In Consciousness
> will result in the proving of Theorem #1 below. Their 
> faith is strong enough that this will be the result that 
> they don't even seem to entertain the possibility of it
> proving Theorem #2 instead. 
> We -- "the 2,500" -- rule! We have *proved* that despite
> the naysaying of critics and those who have lost faith,
> *we* are the most important people on the planet. Even
> better, we have *proved* that all along we have been
> RIGHT and they have been WRONG. Butt-bouncing really
> IS as cool and as world-transforming as we've claimed it
> was all these years, and that makes us -- "the 2,500" --
> MIGHTY and everyone else big, fat losers. Nyaaah nyaaah.
> We -- "the 2,500" -- are the World's Biggest Suckers. 
> Not *only* were we duped 30 years ago into moving to a 
> backwater pisshole in the middle of nowhere by promises
> that it -- and by extension *we* -- were the center of
> the universe, we still believe it, despite even the 
> contrary evidence of this study we've just completed.
> The only thing wrong with the theory is that our Vedic
> Math was a little off. We need 3,000 butt-bouncers to
> bring about invincibility, not 2,500. The person respon-
> sible for the math error has been tarred and feathered
> and chosen to serve as our scapegoat so that we can 
> continue to live in our fantasy world. We - "the 2,500,"
> soon to be "the 3,000" -- *still* rule. We are *still*
> RIGHT, and all of you others are *still* WRONG. 
> Nyaaah nyaaah.

Dear Turq,
Nice summation. I was wondering if anyone else noticed the hyperbole in that.  
My eye popped too on reading that both from the Institute web page and their 
recent mailing.


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