I was once married to someone who is bipolar and he has taken meds.  for many 
years.The crucial point to me was that the patient needs a really good 
psychiatrist who can find the right medicine. There have been great advances in 
medicine for depression and I'm sure that many of them do not hurt your 
experience. When someone is really managing their illness, they know the signs 
of a depression comming on and at that point it is more "crisis management" and 
good spiritual experience is not as much the foucs. When in "maintenance mode" 
one can reduce medicines and work closely with a good doctor and have good 
experience as well as add other alternative practices to help reduce the 
occurence of depression. Russ England is a great psychiatrist/governor in 
Fairfield. He is up to date on the advancements. I think the problem for many 
is the affordability of a really good psychiatrist. Insurance often pays half 
the bill and one visit could be $300 or more.
With bipolar illness, a person may seem very enlightened with the high (or is 
it manic depression?)... anyway the mania, or good experience makes it appear 
that they are very evolved and nothing bothers them. then depression can set it 
and this is very contrasting. My X had his first depression in his twenties. I 
think the lack of having prior experience of depression can leave one 
ill-equipted to know what to do. I was at a total loss the first time I saw him 
go into depression. Education is key to knowing what do to. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> >
> > In the news, a young person of the meditating community put an end to his 
> > life this last week.
> > 
> > http://preview.tinyurl.com/34a3rnz
> >
> Does taking Anti-depressants preclude spiritual experience?
> Just wondering given the recent experience of exulted experiences and suicide.
> Exulted transcendental experiences and depressed.  Does taking 
> anti-depressants also shut off the spiritual experience?  Get in the way of 
> transcending?
> I don't know.  I'm just wondering given the recent example.  Spiritual 
> experiences and anti-D's?  Anybody got real experience to relate to?  Dr. 
> Pete, what do you know?
> Acedia as spiritual depression, is there a place for anti-D's in spiritual 
> depression?  Should meditators be afraid of taking anti-D's?  Anti-psychs?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Buck

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