--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> A new depth in the tawdry department.
> I never accused you of actually drugging young women or 
> raping them thereafter -- only that you have the personality 
> to do so if, ahem, push comes to shove.  

You have several times now accused me of wanting
to drug young women, specifying a drug that I have
never heard of, but with which you are obviously
familiar. I'd say that the person who has pondered
drugging young women -- enough to have a "drug of
choice" with which to do it -- is not me, but you.

I had a marvelous conversation last night with a
young woman. She's the daughter of a friend, and
excited about going away to college for the first
time soon. We talked Sociology, because that's 
what she is planning to study. She emerged from
the experience undrugged and unleered at. I am
not convinced this would have happened if you
had been the person talking to her.

Let's face it, dude...the person with the fixation
about "predation" here is YOU. And it's so enduring
and has such a hold on you that I don't think I'm 
the only person here who suspects that the mechanics
of the situation are that you are projecting onto 
me the things you dream about doing, but don't have 
the stones to do except in your wet dreams.

I wouldn't know what drug to use to drug a woman
and take advantage of her. You do. Speaks volumes.

But the larger issue is the twif-nonsense of assum-
ing that just because little green men can travel
across the stars they've got *their* needs under
control. I don't think you can come up with a 
rationale for that, and so I'm challenging you
to do so. C'mon Mister "He won't deal with my
questions"...walk your own talk. Or are you 
All Talk, All The Time?

While you're at it, why don't you take up the
gauntlet I threw down for Buck, and which he passed
on. You seem to have an abiding dislike for me, and
continue to call me names and insinuate things about
me that you have no way of knowing, and that are so
far off the mark that I can only chuckle when reading
them. Don't stop with insinuation...spell the sins.
Man up. Tell everyone here EXACTLY what you think
I am that has you in such ongoing hate mode, and 
has had for *years* now. 

Let me help you out with a starter putdown: "He not
only does not take me seriously and regard what I 
say as authoritative and wise, he laughs at me." 

I think that's your real issue with me, and with
others that you have such a hate hard-on for.

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