
You're not worth the effort to mount the kind of onslaught it would take to 
break through your denial, but for funzies, I'll toss out a thousand or so 
words right now -- my pleasure -- but not a purposed and aimed agenda wrapped 
pleasure with any chance of piercing your cast iron veils.

Nor have you actually given any permission to do so despite the "request."  
You've got all shields on red alert all the time -- and it feels like you're a 
photobomber in every social situation you enter....unwelcome and making faces 
in the background of life.  I think just about everyone is saying, inwardly, 
"eeeewwww" when you're around.  

I'll put you above Willy in that you are a more clever troll, but you're a 
troll nonetheless in that you hit and run.  I tried and tried in my early days 
here to like you, because you have a way with words and love writing, but every 
time I challenged you, you IMMEDIATELY resorted to smarm and putdowns and in 
general emitting a vibe that would get your face punched in real life.  I gave 
you several chances to be a regular person, but you always have treated me with 
an unfounded derision.  I finally had to see my own naiveté about people on the 
Internet and that you are simply a rotton fucking person to invite to any 

"Unfounded" in that you will not engage ANYONE here with a true "let's get at 
the truth together" intent.  If I've been wrong about this or that, and I'm 
human, so yeah I have been wrong, but when I have been you've been as cruel as 
Willy, stupid as Sal, and flat out chicken shit cowardly when it comes to you 
having to step up and actually engage others with sober analysis. 

I have seen you be confronted by DOZENS of others here and you have treated 
them as you have me, so I finally got it that it wasn't personal and that I was 
only witnessing another broken mind thrashing around in a blinding pain and 
striking even those who would approach you with succor of some sort for the 

I tried my best to suck it up, ignore your addiction to "gotcha," and give you 
another chance.....because Marek and Curtis, the saints, do so.  I've done this 
MANY times -- even recently I tossed you a bone by telling Rick I agreed with 
you about pulling the Ravi videos, but though I have done this sort of white 
flag waving many times, you simply keep growling like a dog with a bone who 
cannot abide any petting.  In short, you're mean and all it takes for you to 
justify an acid remark -- even on a newbie -- is that you have had your morning 

You brag about having relationships with young women that on the up and up, but 
yet you admit to slavering and ogling and leering with your one phrase "hit 
it."  There's you in a nutshell -- you'd hit it if conditions allowed.  Your 
morality towards women is conditional instead of absolute, and you simply yell 
out some "fuck you" and run if anyone challenges you about it.  

I think anyone here could analyze you enough to deconstruct your ex-pat 
lifestyle as "but of course that's what that kind of person would do."  You've 
run from anything that could possibly ask you to have a heart and really deal 
with how you impact others.  The only way to improve your general level of 
happiness would be to give you a taser and let you use it with a Double-O-Seven 
disregard for others.

As for my opinions about God, aliens, et al, you're not really listening, so 
shame on me if I discuss these things with you with any expectations of 
civility.  I've posted many times about these topics and you have yet to come 
at me with my own quotes and a red pencil and a sincere inquiry.  

And everything you've done to me -- you've done to everyone here with but few 
exceptions.  You come off as a greasy mitted pizza delivery guy dressed in 
Italy's colors trying to buddy up and rudely shaking the gloved hand of someone 
at the monochromatic Ascot Opening Race scene in My Fair Lady.

Of course, I can only say these things because I have my own dark side which 
admittedly has some resonant congruity with your own -- for who has not been 
psychically pounded into a hamburger faced pug by life like Sly at the end of 
Rocky, but it's on a leash, and I am pained when it slips its collar, but you 
don't even know how to say, "I'm sorry," when your pitbull has been found 
hunting among mere kittens.

You are the worst person at Fairfield life -- if you left, there'd be a big 
sigh of relief here, and minds might again have the courage to try to engage 
others here with a true spontaneity.  Your sniping obliterates any positivity 
you bring to this place with your snapshots of Europe etc.  

There, I've done my good deed for Sunday and maybe saved Judy some toil.

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