--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
[I wrote:]
> > If MMY refrained from actually lying, it would have
> > been only to reduce his guilt in his own eyes. Clinton
> > refrained from lying because he didn't want to be
> > impeached, convicted, and thrown out of office, and
> > possibly subject to jail time.
> Seems plausible to me. Whatever the actual situation, he
> was playing a dangerous game. I've long suspected that
> these affairs had a lot to do with the culture of secrecy
> that developed in the movement.

You're suggesting the need to keep the affairs secret
was sort of extrapolated into a culture of secrecy?
Was there less secrecy before the affairs started?

(We don't really know when they started, do we?)

 I know that Vernon
> Katz knew what was going on, because he talked Rob
> McCutcheon out of publishing his book by the same title
> back in the 70's (Rob gave Judith permission to use the
> title).

Great title.

> I wonder if Jerry, Bevan, Neil Paterson, and others knew?
> I'm quite sure MMY never volunteered the information, but
> I may be wrong. He may have had a few trusted confidants.

I can't believe they didn't all knew. They couldn't possibly
have avoided hearing the rumors, and one or another of
them surely must have investigated further, if only in an
attempt to squash the rumors--and they wouldn't have been
able to do that. They'd just have encountered more and
more reports from credible people the longer they looked
into it.

It wouldn't surprise me that MMY had a few confidants,
but they would have been the *least* likely to spread
it around, seems to me, even if asked directly by one
of the Big Deals.

On the other hand, there were more and more people over
time who knew firsthand without the slightest doubt what
was going on--the women themselves.

> For instance, the passage in the book where Tat Wala Baba
> was massaging MMY's feet the day after his "first time"
> with Judith made it sound as though MMY had told him.

Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall for
*that* conversation!

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