--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I just can't buy 100% into this victimhood stigma 
> you wrap these women in.

I have to say it bothers me as well. It's one thing
to sympathize with a person's pain from the results 
of a bad choice, and quite another to strip them of 
any agency in making that choice.

What is not helpful, however, is to criticize them
for the choice. I suspect they've all engaged in
quite a bit of self-criticism for it, and that's
more than enough. It's part of the pain they're
going through. We don't need to add to it, any more
than we need to pin a big VICTIM label on them.

I think we should give them implicit credit for
having recognized they made a bad choice, do what
we can to soothe their pain, and leave it at that.

Part of the motivation for portraying them as
helpless victims lacking a will of their own 
seems to be that it facilitates demonizing MMY. 
The less agency the women are accorded, the more
important his agency becomes, hence the harsher
the blame that can be piled on him.

Not that he doesn't deserve the lion's share of
blame. But depriving the women of any agency at
all creates an equation that's out of whack. And
it dehumanizes MMY by suggesting that he himself
never felt even a shred of remorse. Maybe he
didn't, but we don't know that.

Finally, there's a lot of hypocrisy floating
around. There are people on FFL who are not just
narcissistic and insensitive but actively,
persistently sadistic. They know who they are,
and they really ought to STFU with their
condemnation of MMY. They'd do well to get some
professional help as well. Sadists are never
happy, balanced people, no matter how spiritual
they may believe and portray themselves to be.

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