I was thinking of the fucking Bhagavad Gita and how fallow the story and God's instructions are. To whit, what if Arjuna was faced with Nuclear arms race on both sides of the field. God would tell him to push the button. That's real smart Krishna. Real fucking smart Arjuna.  Real good dharma. 
In which case the only Good Arjuna would be the adharmic and ungodly Arjuna. The Bhagavad Gita was a goodd story but it doesn't work in real life situations. All it does is reaffirms some vague concept of dharma. Most people don't have the foggiest notion of what dharma even is and so as such, have no notion of what they should do in any circumstance one way or another.
I could counter every single paragraph of the Gita with a more rational way of doing things. And that's just stupid me. What of smarter people? It's just reified nonsense, or a good tall tale. It's as sensible as the New Testament. It's no wonder that Maharishi couldn't even be bothered to finish commenting on it.
----- Original Message -----
From: wmurphy77
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Purport of MMY's Bhahavad Gita...

Though "killing (as such) is sin", Ch1v36, Dharma (duty) 
superscedes 'sin' and allows Arjuna to even "kill in love", Ch2vs1.

What MMY has published so conflicts with what he is saying today it
astounding and leaves one's 'limbs failing and mouth parched, my body
quivers and my hair stands on end'............BillyG.

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