On 01/21/2011 10:10 AM, WillyTex wrote:
> Duveyoung:
>> If Willy gets so pissed by your poking at him with
>> a stick through his mental cage's bars, what do you
>> think he's going to do if someone leaves the door
>> open?
> Now that's a bombshell!
> Ed is guilty as charged - he tried to ratchet up the
> political rhetoric on FFL and he got whipped and then
> Ed took off like a scared rabbit with his tail between
> his legs. Judy waxed him real good, that's fer sure!
> Ed shot all his arrows but he missed by a long shot!
> Ed was outraged that Obama supports the war over in
> Afghanistan, but Ed voted for the guy. Ed went ballistic
> that the U.S. is over there fighting against the enemy.
> Go figure.
> Now Ed is back to take up arms with the two Barry's and
> to put their sights on poor Willytex, but neither of
> them even own a gun to shoot with. Get out of here if
> you don't want to get in the cross-fire! It's a battle
> I guess, but I could whip both of them with half my
> brain tied behind my back.

But you'd need a brain to tie up half of first!

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